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Coyote (#2)

  • The photograph you’ve chosen can only be used by you for personal, editorial, and/or commercial reasons.  It may not be shared.  You may edit the photo as needed for your own purposes, but please credit “Lynne A. Goldsmith” (spelled out as such) as the original photographer regardless of any editing you may make to the photo, such as in size, coloring, lighting.  Please also acknowledge in writing in or beside the photo if yours is a modified version of the original photograph.  By purchasing the download of this image, you are hereby agreeing to buy the image as is and to not use it in any damaging way, such as for promoting violence or by associating me with some content of which I may not approve.  Also note that the large watermark on the photograph will be smaller and off to the side in the image copy that you purchase.  If you have any questions, please reach out to me by phone or email.  And thank you for your interest in the animals and nature!


 Copyright © Lynne Goldsmith 2018 All Rights Reserved
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